MD WellnessSoulutions
Co-creating your wellness journey!
Frenesa K. Hall, MD
"Let it be me. If the world is night, shine my life like a light."
- Emily Saliers/Indigo Girls, Let It Be Me
These words have resonated deeply within me for years. They have been an undercurrent for my work as a physician and my life in general. They have fueled my desire to create MD Wellness Soulutions!
Over my 30+ years as a physician, I have been on a journey to accumulate knowledge, not just for my clients but for my own wellness. Early in my career, I realized that the conventional medical system was not very effective for wellness nor was it professionally satisfying. I had little time to get to know my patients, really understand them and their health concerns. I also felt that I was just putting band-aids on gunshot wounds - not really helping, only mitigating symptoms.
I discovered Complementary Medicine in the mid 1990s and over the years I took courses, met practitioners and added some more natural approaches to caring for my patients. I saw some amazing results using the information I had acquired but I had limited ability to use it in my practice. By this time I was completely burned out. I became more and more unhappy and sold my practice 9 years after hanging out my shingle.
I tried different things and in 2010 got out of clinical medicine joining Lincoln Financial Group - a large life insurance company. This was a life saver as I was able to just show up and work 9-5, no weekends, no being on call. It was a time for me to recover from extreme burn out and frustration. I was also very disillusioned with the healthcare industry in general. In 2015 I moved to Principal Financial Group (PFG). I had the good fortune of being able to work remotely - from home or anywhere with good internet and phone signals! The quality of my life at this point was amazing. I was well rested. I was in another band (play bass). I was reading for fun and health/wellness interest and felt back to my old self. This is a wonderful work arrangement and I am grateful to continue to work for PFG.
Photo by Yvonne Boyd
After 3 years with PFG, I realized that I was not completely satisfied professionally. While life insurance medicine is very interesting and I like the people I work with, something was missing. I sat with this for months asking, "What do I really want to do? What will fill that void?" I rediscovered that what fulfills me is helping people. Specifically helping people with their health and wellness. But, not in a typical doctor-patient way and certainly not back in a practice!
In 2019 I engaged my former coach, Greta Counts, and through her "Passion Into Practice" program, I became crystal clear about what I truly desired. I wanted to work directly with people to address their health and wellness but not just physically/medically. Underlying false beliefs, negative emotions and fears have a tremendous negative impact on health and wellness. It is critically important for overall health and wellness to address these issues. They are as important as knowing your cholesterol level or your mammogram results!
Coaching and counseling is the best method to address false beliefs, negative thoughts, fears and emotions, to provide practical information, tools and insights and inspire positive change. I would provide support step by step along the way. Ultimately I want my clients to have foundational knowledge that empowers them to create their wellness.
And so MD WellnessSoulutions was born!