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Financial Wellness
Financial problems are a common and significant cause of stress for many people. Some people have long-standing financial stress and this can impact one's sense of wellbeing. Chronic stress can contribute to a variety of health issues. As such, if you are having financial difficulty, here are resources you may find useful.
I encourage you to see professional financial counseling. The resources below are not to be considered an endorsement or recommendation for how you manage your finances
Financial Blogs
You can sign up for the newsletters and get a steady stream of useful information.
Get Rich Slowly - Started by JD Roth sharing what he learned as he dug out of debt.
Financial Samurai - Financial Samurai delves deeper into investing, real estate, retirement planning, career strategies
The Penny Hoarder
Mr. Money Mustache
History of Money
The History of Money - A 10 part series by Mike Maloney
Very well done and fascinating. Well worth the time.