MD WellnessSoulutions
Co-creating your wellness journey!
Food Sensitivity Testing

The Hidden Epidemic
Food sensitivities are wreaking havoc on our health. They have been linked to many common disorders including the following:
obesity and overweight
anxiety and depression
migraine headache
muscle and joint aches and so much more!
Hippocrates said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." While it is true that real, healthy, nutritious food is foundational for us to have good health, it is also true that these same foods can be poison to some of us.

Food sensitivities are tricky to spot. Generally, the reaction to the food occurs 24 to 72 hours after ingesting it, making them nearly impossible to detect. Another confounding factor is the wide variety and intensity of symptoms the food can trigger and, that symptom will different in one person compared to another sensitive individual. The symptoms can be itching, rash, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, joint pain or swelling, wheezing, fatigue, headache, tingling and many more. Most of us would not think our itchy scalp was from a food we ate 2 days ago!
One client I had years ago complained of having several chronic disorders for which she was seeing 3 specialists:
Rheumatologist for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - on 2 drugs
Pulmonologist for Asthma - on 4 drugs
Gastroenterologist for Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) - on double doses of the strongest meds
7 medicines were not alleviating her symptoms! What's worse is that the pulmonologist performed a bronchoscopy (scope with light on the end) into her lungs twice finding no abnormality either time. The GI doctor did two upper endoscopies (scope down the throat into the stomach) and colonoscopies (scope into the anus and colon) and they were all NORMAL!
At that time, I was not aware of the ALCAT test we use today and we investigated the old fashioned way - 6 week elimination diet followed by challenging with each food separately. This client, who was ~50 years old, female and of Italian decent found that the offending foods were tomatoes, wheat and red wine!!! These foods were stables in her household. When she returned she was off all of these medications and had lost 20 pounds! She had not felt this well in a decade.
I did food sensitivity testing by another method years ago but was not a good patient. Last year, I did the ALCAT test and identified my 4+ reactive food was eggs! I had been eating eggs several times a week. Other notable foods were chicken, duck and turkey. I have fully eliminated eggs over the past few weeks (started January 3, 2025) and the itchy scalp I've had has improved 80% in a couple of weeks.
KBMO Diagnostic Lab and Cell Science Systems (CSS) both offer the ALCAT test. CSS offers testing of more food items as well as molds, food preservatives, coloring and additives. But, CSS requires a blood draw. KBMO Labs offers a finger stick version that you can collect at home. No need to go to a lab and pay a blood drawing/handling fee!
For the first three months of 2025 I am offering the KBMO Diagnostic Lab's fingerstick
FIT 176 (click for more information) for 15% off! Send a message to me for more information!